April is known for rain showers in preparation for the blooms of flowers in the month of May. If you or your loved one is stuck inside on one of these April showers, here are some ideas for fun indoor activities geared towards the older adult population:
- Play a game of chess. Board games are a great option for rainy days. Not only is chess a fun activity that can be done anywhere, but it has been shown that chess strengthens neural pathways and helps to improve the plasticity of elderly brains.
- Get moving with chair yoga. Just because it’s rainy outside doesn’t mean that you have to be sedentary! Try this modified version of yoga to improve flexibility and stiffness, lengthen muscles, and build strength with simple poses. This is especially useful for seniors with mobility problems.
- Cook. Cooking is a great way to establish healthy habits, especially for the senior population. Have our Happier at Home caregivers help cook up a new recipe you’ve been wanting to try.
- Complete a puzzle. Much like playing a game of chess, completing a puzzle can help a senior’s mind remain sharp and help prevent progressive diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
- Read a book. Reading a good book is a perfect rainy-day activity for seniors. Choose a classic book that your loved one knows from childhood, or something that your book club has selected. If your senior loved one has trouble reading, recruit one of our Happier at Home caregivers to read it aloud to them.
- Watch a favorite movie. Turn your rainy day into a movie day and pick out a familiar, classical movie that your loved one can recognize. To create a true theatre experience, make popcorn and dim the lights, and perhaps even have a theme to go along with the movie.
- Share memories. Looking at old pictures with seniors can trigger long-term memory and create feelings of warmth and nostalgia. This is especially beneficial for older adults with cognitive decline and memory loss, as it can prompt them to share a memory or experience from when they were younger.
Just because it’s a rainy day doesn’t mean there aren’t activities that your loved one can enjoy. Our Happier at Home caregivers can explore the above options for indoor activities and engage with your loved one.