Fall Prevention Tips

A thorough home evaluation is a great way to prevent senior falls and serious injury. 70% of Accidental Deaths in people over the age of 75 result from falls. 40% of all nursing home admissions are attributable to repeated falls at home. 25% of seniors who suffer hip fractures die within one year. Home Safety […]
Signs to Look For That a Loved One May Need Help

With families visiting those that they may not see throughout the year, the holidays are a perfect time to assess the needs of their loved ones. Ideally they will ask for our help, but, as frequently is the case, this may not happen. They may decline assistance because they feel ashamed and hopeless. Some changes […]
Alzheimer’s Disease Advocacy: The Longest Day

Sometimes when problems are so large, like a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, it seems our individual actions don’t help. However, until last year, there was not an effective drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Aduhelm (aducanumab) was approved for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is characterized by changes in the brain, including plaques that result in […]
Staying Mentally Sharp

Studies have shown that you can help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia with some basic good health habits. Help maintain cognitive fitness, keep your mind active and stay mentally sharp in these ways: Implementing a few of the suggestions above will help you or a senior loved one to stay mentally […]
Senior Care and Housing Resources

It can be overwhelming watching your parent or loved one lose the strength or abilities as they age. As a daughter or son, chances are you will need to step in at some point and at least support your aging parent in finding resources to assist them. Whether the focus is aging in place, or […]
Prevent Aging With Balanced Hormones

Aging is not a disease, it’s a natural process. However, aging can be managed, with the desired result of preventing age-related disease. Western medicine is reactionary. In order to delay the aging process, we need to take three main actions: 1) keep hormones in balance 2) eat well 3) exercise. We hear about eating well […]
Heart Health For Women

More heart disease is present in elderly women than in elderly men and is the leading cause of death in women, accounting for more deaths yearly than all other causes combined. In fact, it is more prevalent in men under the age of 40 years compared with women, in those aged 40–60 years the prevalence […]
What to Look For in a Medical Alert System

Also known as “PERS” a Personal Emergency Response Systems are purchased for an aging or ill person who lives alone so that they can get help quickly if needed. That person might be at a risk of falls because due to poor eyesight, memory changes, or other health problems, or be susceptible to a sudden […]
5 Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Many people underestimate the importance of restful, quality sleep. It directly correlates with your physical and mental health. During sleep, your body is working to support brain function and maintain physical health. Inadequate sleep over time can raise your risk for chronic long-term health problems. Improve your sleep with these 5 simple tips:
Hospice Care vs. Palliative Care: Knowing the Difference

While the objective of both hospice and palliative care is pain and symptom relief, the prognosis and goals of care tend to be different. Hospice care is comfort care, for people with a terminal illness and a prognosis of six months or less. Palliative Care focuses on managing the pain, symptoms and stress of a serious illness for […]