Benefits of Exercise

As we age, our immune system changes. Immunosensescence is defined as immune dysregulation as we age. It is related to an increased susceptibility to infections, autoimmune diseases, tumors, metabolic diseases, osteoporosis, and neurologic disorders. Studies support that habitual exercise is capable of improving the regulation of the immune system and delaying the onset of immunosenescence. […]
Salt Substitutes to Reduce Blood Pressure

Reducing your blood pressure is important for the 1 out of 2 adults in the US that have hypertension. Lifestyle changes are often spoke of in attempting to reduce blood pressure. Things like losing weight, exercising, eating healthy, reducing stress, and reducing salt in your diet. But the use of salt substitutes should be considered. […]
Addiction in the Elderly

It’s widely believed that substance abuse and addiction in the elderly is a hidden epidemic. Even if they have no history, it should be taken seriously because substance abuse, especially in the elderly, can exacerbate health problems. In 2016, 19.3% of older adults in the country filled at least one opioid prescription, and 7.1% had four […]
Checking In On New Year’s Resolutions

We all have the best intentions to stick to New Year’s resolutions, but so often these resolutions drop off quickly. Why not make it part of your routine to have a half-year check-in? Did you write down your goals, write down your plan to achieve them, and journal throughout the year? This will help to […]
Extra Help This Summer With Care Advocates

Traveling this summer and concerned about leaving your loved one? Oftentimes families of older loved ones live out of town away from where they may be able to assist. A Care Advocate can provide peace of mind that your loved one is getting the attention he or she needs and help to prevent a crisis […]
Preparing to Age in Place

Most elderly people wish to remain independent as they age, and along with that the desire to remain in their home. The mere thought is not enough, one needs to create a roadmap to do so. However, most don’t realize the preparation required past having a home to stay in. We’ve broken down the […]
How to Get Maximum Medication Benefits

Odds are that as a person ages, he will need to take medications and the number of the medications may increase as the age increases. Having a thorough understanding of medications can help to maximize the benefit while avoiding side effects or additional problems. Be sure to ask your pharmacist the following questions:
Everything You Need to Know About Hospice Care

Hospice is a type of health care that focuses on an individual with a terminal illness. The goal of hospice care is to allow your loved one to live as well as possible for as long as possible, increasing their quality of life. When does hospice care begin? In general, hospice care should be used […]
Foot Care and At-Home Pedicures

Caring for your feet should be a part of your self-care routine and geriatric foot care is particularly important. Older people experience increased incidence of fungal infections and pain, not to mention that sequalae of diabetes on the feet can lead to amputations. If foot care is not at the top of the mind, […]
5 Reasons to get an In-Home Assessment

The need for in-home senior care is increasing at a rapid rate as the population ages. However, some people may be resistant to accepting help and may delay the initial step to begin care services, putting them at risk. An in-home assessment allows the home care company and their providers to understand an individual’s unique […]