Medication Management Solutions
Older adults are the largest users of prescription and over-the-counter medications. The changes that occur with aging make people more likely to suffer medication-related problems. In fact, about one quarter of all nursing home admissions are due, at least in part, to the inability to take medications correctly, such as forgetting to take medications, or accidentally taking too much.
At Happier at Home, we offer a solution to this problem; a simple-to-use medication machine. The medication administration machine has been shown to improve adherence from 48% to 97% in a recent study at St. John Fisher College.

Our Medication Machine
The machine is easy to use! Here’s how it works:
Step 1: When the machine tells you, “It’s time to take your medicine,” you touch the screen to dispense the medications.
Step 2: Tip the dispense drawer and pour the pills into your hand.
Step 3: Close the drawer.
My grandma was moved into assisted living because she suffered several falls due to medication non-compliance. Thanks to the medication administration machine and the Happier at Home team, my grandma was able to move back out of Assisted Living back into an independent setting. Since we started using the machine every single dose has been taken on-time, and she hasn’t missed a single dose!
The Happier At Home team will make it easy!
We Will…
- Set-up and monitor the machine and its notifications.
- Manage prescription re-fills and loading the machine.
- Call your loved one if we receive notification that a dose is late or missed and stay connected with the family if there are any concerns.
- The machine and our services can be used month-to- month; No long-term contracts!
The machine can bulk-load up to a 90-day supply of up to 16 different medications.
- The machine can send text or email messages if any doses are late or missed.
- There is a portal for doctors or the Happier at Home team to view the days of medications remaining and compliance.
- The machine runs on wifi with 24-hour battery backup.