Prevent Aging of the Brain

Changes in health on their own don’t explain dementia, but when added all together they may put a strain on brain function. Correcting those problems can help improve cognitive function and prevent dementia. More is being understood about the importance of individual differences in determining illness. Unique genes may predispose individuals to nutritional or detoxification […]
Preventing Caregiver Burnout

Caregivers have jobs that are incredibly rewarding, however they can also be very demanding. Preventing caregiver burnout ensures that the caregiver’s needs are met and that the client can then receive the best care. You cannot pour from an empty cup! Therefore, it is imperative that caregivers prioritize their mental health and needs. These are […]
Hand Pain and Tremors in Seniors

Occasional trembling hands and painful joints can occur at any age, but as you age, the likelihood increases. Some types of hand tremors can be genetic, while some can be caused by diseases like Parkinson’s Disease. Osteo arthritic changes become more common as you age. Even the best medications used to treat tremors and hand […]
Proactive Treatments to Parkinson’s Disease: LSVT BIG

Those with Parkinson’s Disease move and speak differently as the disease progresses, with gestures and actions that become smaller and slower, and their voice becomes softer. The result is a mismatch between what the actions of those with Parkinson’s actually are, and what they perceive. LSVT BIG helps improve the mismatch between what is felt […]
Routine Health Screenings at Community Pharmacies

During the pandemic, many adults either couldn’t get their necessary health screenings completed or avoided them. Now is an opportune time to catch up on your health screenings and make them part of your healthcare routine. Recently your community pharmacies have pharmacists that practice in outpatient settings to perform screenings such as blood pressure, blood […]
Getting Started with Home Care

Many people acknowledge that they need help to be able to remain home and independent. Where do you start? Who do you call? The process that we use at Happier At Home is similar to other companies, and helps us to identify your loved one’s needs. It goes something like this: Find a Happier at […]
6 Myths of Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is one of the most overlooked public health problems in the United States. It is believed that for every one case of elder abuse about five more go unreported. Since a victim may not be able to report abuse, it’s up to others to observe the signs and intervene. Here are the top […]
Preparing for Virtual Visits

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare practices are implementing virtual visits. What are virtual visits? They are telemedicine visits using audio or video conferencing apps to connect patients with their care providers online. Using video with these visits make this as much like an in-person office visit as possible. A huge bonus in convenience but […]
Communicating With Healthcare Providers

Effective communication with your healthcare providers is one of the most important parts of getting good health care. The patient needs to be able to understand what is said and effectively convey important information. In the past, the doctor typically unilaterally took the lead, and the patient didn’t ask questions. Today, you and your doctors […]
Where to Begin: Your Last Will & Testament

Making a last will and testament to explain how your property should be distributed when you die is one of the most important things that you’ll ever do. By making your will, you will give your surviving family members the gift of knowing that your wishes are fulfilled in regard to your estate and reduce […]