Facts About Falls

The CDC reports that one in four seniors over the age of 65 fall each year, but less than half tell their doctor. Falls can be incredibly serious and the hospital visits can be costly. Often times broken bones and head injuries are the result of a fall and if a senior falls once, they […]
Winter Safety for Seniors

Ensure your loved one’s safety during this season in their own homes. Having a Happier at Home caregiver to monitor your loved one during the cold winter months will help to avoid any risks. Older adults need to take extra precaution when braving the cold in the frigid winter months. In this climate, senior citizens […]
Advocating for Your Health

Advocating for your health can become difficult especially as you age. A lot of the symptoms that seniors may bring up are often times reduced to be affects of aging. We shared some tips to advocate for yourself during doctors visits. Our main tips are to track and write down symptoms you are experiencing so […]
Causes of Eye Color Change in the Elderly

As we age, there are occasions in which our eye color changes. A change in eye color occurs in up to 15 % of all Caucasian people. An eye color change can be harmless, but there are some conditions that will cause the Iris to change color that should be evaluated by a doctor. The […]
Getting the Support You Need From Friends

If you’ve experienced the death of a family member, an illness or other health challenge, then you know it’s not always easy to ask for help. You know that you can feel very alone and really need assistance and support. Most people in your life really do want to help in some way; they just […]
Senior Care Planning: Patient Review Instrument and Screen (PRI)

A Patient Review Instrument, known as a PRI, and Screen can be done in any setting such as a home, Independent Living and Assisted Living facilities, among others. The only individuals that can complete this assessment include RNs that are certified in the PRI and Screen. Our certified nurse will do the PRI on a […]
Intimacy After 65

Some older adults avoid intimacy due to the physical issues of their aging bodies or their “performance,” while others are affected by emotional challenges. Being a mature adult comes with its benefits. Seniors know what works and what doesn’t. Their experience and self-awareness make for excellent intimacy! It’s important to note that according to the […]
Helping Your Parents Accept Help at Home

Oftentimes when older adults need extra help at home the biggest hurdle is getting them to accept the help. We see it time and time again, adult children are faced with resistance from the senior loved one. The seniors are overwhelmed, feel that the added assistance is permanent and are fearful of what lies ahead. […]
Signs Your Loved One May Need Help

With families visiting those that they may not see throughout the year, the holidays are a perfect time to assess the needs of their loved ones. Ideally they will ask for our help, but, as frequently is the case, this may not happen. They may decline assistance because they feel ashamed and hopeless. Some changes […]
Preparing For Potential New Restrictions

With the uncertainty of various strains of COVID being discovered in our communities, planning is the best thing we can do to help our elder loved ones. It is especially important for seniors to self-isolate and practice social distancing. There are steps that we can take to help seniors plan for a potential lockdown and […]