The holidays are upon us, bringing more interaction with loved ones, and holiday visits. If you have not seen your elderly loved ones in a while, you may be surprised by their decline. However, sometimes it’s a bit difficult to determine if they need additional help to remain independent.
Failing eyesight, memory lapses, confusion, fatigue, sadness, substance abuses and appetite changes can account for a diminished ability to manage a home. There are definite signs that indicate assistance may be necessary.
The following is a checklist of important indicators you can evaluate during your holiday visit:
- Inadequate Meals and Nutrition
- Is there a loss of interest in preparing well-balanced, nutritious meals?
- Are there unusual amounts of spoiled food in their refrigerator?
- Is the refrigerator and pantry stark and lacking food?
- Inability to Manage Finances
- Is mail piled up or unopened?
- Are bills not being paid?
- Are checks being written to unrecognizable sources or many “charities”?
- Failing Memory
- Missing doctor appointments, failing to follow up
- Non-compliant with medications
- Forgetting foods left cooking on the stove- pots burned
- Repeating themselves, unable to find their words
- Frequent Falls
- Bruising, lacerations and abrasions
- Fear of walking, decreased ambultation
- Unsafe Driving
- Changes in their range of motion, reflexes and eyesight?
- Recent accidents, damage to their car
- Concerned neighbors or relatives