Home care services may be paid for through a variety of sources, but don’t assume that anyone will definitely pay for the type of home care you feel is needed. The only way to guarantee you receive the services and the number of hours of care you wish is to pay privately, or in other terms to “self-pay”.
- Government Programs
- Federal Medicare-
- Medicaid- Federal-but each state has its own set of eligibility requirements.
i. Consumer-directed, or through an agency
ii. Very complicated to apply and qualify
- Other Payment Options
- Private/ self-pay
- Private Insurance-
i. Must be medically-necessary skilled nursing or therapy services
ii. limited duration and usually following a hospital stay.
iii. Must be homebound.
- Health Insurance-
i. Usually include a home health benefit for acute needs.
ii. Can purchase private “Medigap” policies to cover services that Medicare does not
- Long-Term Care Insurance
i. Benefits vary among plans.
ii. Elimination period.